Jason Bring Quoted in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News Article on Nursing Home Arbitration Agreements

AGG Healthcare partner and co-chair of the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care team, Jason Bring, was quoted in a June 12, 2023, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News article titled “State Courts Push Back on Nursing Homes’ Federal Right to Arbitrate.”

The article discusses “a spate of recent battles over arbitration agreements [that] may force courts and lawmakers to once again tackle who can enter one on behalf of a nursing home resident — and whether they can ever be mandated as a condition of admission.”

Jason observed that the “Supreme Court over the years has noted state hostility toward arbitration in a number of opinions and there’s kind of this ongoing tug of war between states and the Supreme Court on enforceability.”

To read the full article, please click here.