Provider Relief Funding: Reporting Period 4 Closes Friday, March 31

Providers who received Provider Relief Funds (“Funds”) exceeding $10,000 in the aggregate between July 1 and December 31, 2021, are required to file reports on use of funds during Reporting Period 4. The Fund Reporting Portal, which opened for Period 4 reporting on January 1, 2023, will close this Friday, March 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EDT. Providers should ensure reporting is timely filed to avoid issues associated with late reporting (if available) and possible recoupment of Funds. Additional information and resources regarding reporting are available at the Health Resources & Services Administration’s Reporting Resources website.

For more information, please contact AGG Healthcare attorneys Hedy Rubinger or Alex Foster.


The Arnall Golden Gregory CHOW team leads all regulatory aspects of healthcare transactions for investors, operators, managers, capital partners, and developers of every size in all 50 states. The team streamlines the regulatory process so that clients close their transactions on or ahead of schedule. Whether obtaining licensure and Medicare/Medicaid approvals, structuring transactions to expedite closings, anticipating issues to minimize cash flow disruption, negotiating regulatory terms in deal documents, creatively resolving diligence issues, or advising on CHOW guidelines and compliance, the team provides extensive experience and practical solutions. To date, the CHOW team has served as primary regulatory counsel in transactions valued at more than $35 billion.